Monday, February 28, 2022

Name Game: Why Haven't I Seen This One?


It has been quite a while since I had one of these. The last time or two I thought I had seen every possible way my name could be perverted or messed up. Well a few months back in October Me my sibs and my blood nephew were having a Family VaCay in Virginia Beach, VA off season. One day for late lunch almost dinner we stopped at Starbucks. Now I'm not a coffee guy so I rarely get anything coffee I don't like it straight I need it either Mocha style with enough cocoa to drown out the coffee bean "burned water" flavor that I hate coffee for (just as smoking is like sucking ash) or have some caramel in the mix. So anyway they had some kind of Apple Cider/ Apple Crisp type flavor. I think it was a limited time flavor. It was pretty good. I think I'll stick to Mocha style though. The hint of apple seemed a bit off.

Anyway the purpose of this post is that a variation of my name was used, as you can see from the scan of the sticker that was on the cup. "KERT". Now at times I could have sworn that I had maybe seen this variant but usually it is the "CERT" or "CURT" or maybe even "KURT" that I have seen. OK Whatever.