Thursday, January 11, 2018

State Of The Blog: 2017 Recap

2017 Edition

2017 Joins last year and the year before in the growing number of Republican Red years in my annual State of The Blog tally. 

Here are the monthlies from 2017:

January: 1
February: 1
March: 1
April: 1
May: 1
June: 1
July: 3
August: 1
September: 1
October: 1
November: 2
December: 1

Monthly Average: 1.33

Yet again this past year I FAILED my yearly goal of 32 posts per year. That is three years in a row.
Now lets look at how the 2017 blogging matches up with past years:

2006 - 32
2007 - 43
2008 - 36
2009 - 34
2010 - 18
2011 - 20
2012 - 38
2013 - 93
2014 - 57
2015 - 24
2016 - 29
2017 - 16
Yearly Average: 36.66

Sigh - The LOWEST year to date. I am barely keeping up with my bare bones minimum of one post per month. If the current trend keeps though even that will get more and more difficult to achieve. My first year of blogging 2006 met and set my self-appointed blogging quota of 32 posts per year. My all-time high was in 2013 with 93 posts. That was in part due to some semi-regular post series FryDay Fourtoon and Myka Monday. I somehow managed to keep up with posting and had more motivation to blog that year. I need to recapture that motivation. At one point I felt that I was going to reach 100 posts that year. Some year maybe.